Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Story of L.K.D!

Hello again, followers. Today we are going to get a little personal. And when I say personal I mean you are going to learn how the name Leslie Katherine Davis was created. Now, did you know that the origin of Leslie is mainly Scottish. In the UK, Leslie is mainly a boy’s name but in the United States it is mainly a girl’s name. The meaning of Leslie is “holly garden”. Umm… yeah I guess I was named after some bush. Uh, cool….? I am Peruvian-American (I consider myself American) so my name is pretty misleading because I am definitely not Scottish. Then again there are some girls in the States with the name Leslie like the actress Leslie Ann Down and Lesley Ann Warren.                                                                                    
 Well, according to my mom, she picked the name Leslie because she really liked it and so did my dad. My brother, 5 years old at that time, wanted to name me Katherine. Why, you ask? Because he was obsessed with the Power Rangers and wanted to name me after the pink Power Ranger or Katherine at that time. Thus we have Leslie Katherine Davis.                                                                                                                                   
 I guess I do like my name. I mean I can’t imagine my name as anything else. Can you? Actually, if my name means garden I’m not so sure. Just kidding. I have always liked the name Michelle but recently I’ve been liking the name Kailey or Kelly. Alright, so that is my personal story of my name J Talk to you in another blog post.  Adios!

P.S. Did you know there are 10 different variations of my name?

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